27 de julho de 2009

footprint Brazil handbook

"Currently the finest small luxury beach hotel in Brazil"
by Alex Robinson in
Footprint Brazil Handbook

uma corça (ou cervo) passou hoje pelo tauana

Eram 13 horas quando vi a Corça passar, estava ao telefone por isso não consegui ir logo para fotografar....mas aqui vai uma imagem que tirei da internet....nas pesquisas que fiz não referem a Bahia como sendo uma região onde estes lindos animais apareçam...
mas eu vi...
no Tauana...

18 de julho de 2009

a carta do achamento do Brasil

A carta de Pêro Vaz de Caminha para o Rei D. Manuel I com as novas do achamento da Terra de Vera Cruz, 1 de Maio de 1500.

17 de julho de 2009

come see the whales

Humpbacks Whales migrate seasonally between feeding grounds in high latitudes and breeding grounds located in tropical waters. In the Western South Atlantic, the main breeding area for the species is off Bahia State in Brazil. Between July and November, these whales reach the warm, shallow and calm waters to mate and give birth to a single calf, which is born after a gestation period of about 11 months.
Humpbacks are well known for their docile behavior, for their many antics (jumps, head-up displays, pectoral fin slapping, etc.) and for their melodious ‘singing’. Another striking characteristic of this species is the size of the pectoral fins, which are unusually long, reaching around one-third of total body length. Females are slightly larger than males and may reach 16 meters in length, weighing around 40 tons and they may reach speeds of up to 27 kilometers per hour.

15 de julho de 2009

by Henry Miller

"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”